Saturday, January 30, 2016

Choosing Life

We are so thankful for all the support we've received from family and friends. To know so many of you are praying for us makes us feel less alone on this journey. We also realize there are people who think we've made the wrong decision but are tactful enough not to tell us that. We appreciate you, too.

I've been pro-life for as long as I can remember. The thing about being pro-life, though, is that you never imagine you might one day have to make a decision about abortion for yourself. In the last few months, though, I've learned that sometimes a woman considering abortion doesn't look like a desperate college girl wanting a quick remedy for her problem; sometimes she looks like a distraught middle-aged woman who's been told her baby is going to die anyway.

I wonder where that euphemism "interrupt the pregnancy" came from. We heard it several times after our first ultrasound. Do they teach it in medical school? Was there a board or a committee that discussed and discarded various options, trying to find a softer way to offer it to parents already in shock from bad news? I'm glad we spoke up early on and said abortion was not an option, because they might have pushed it more after the amniocentesis if we hadn't. Since our diagnosis, we've heard and read stories of other parents with Trisomy 13 babies whose doctors pushed them a lot harder to abort. For those who just want it to be over, I'm sure it's tempting.

I get it. This is easily the hardest thing I've ever lived through, and we're not even to the worst part yet. We found out with over four months left until our due date. That's four more months of carrying a baby you know will die -- four more months of becoming more and more attached with every twist and kick -- four more months of becoming more and more in love with a baby you'll never bring home. I understand why some women don't want that bond getting any stronger; if the baby is going to die anyway, why prolong the pain? It doesn't change what I believe, but I'm a lot more empathetic now. Maybe God will be able to use that someday.

From my point of view, here's what it came down to: this is my daughter. I started loving her the minute I saw the positive sign on the home pregnancy test. I could no less end her life now than I could end her life at three or seven or nineteen. She is wanted. She is loved. She is my daughter. I couldn't fathom the idea of causing her severe physical pain to lessen my emotional pain. This is the only life she'll ever know. All I want to do is give her a warm, safe place to flip and turn and suck her little thumb. I want her to be free to kick, especially the big ones I feel when she hears her big brother and I singing songs and reading stories. I want her to know love. Nothing but love. She is my daughter. For her, I've chosen life, no matter how short it may be.


  1. Tiffany & Kevin, hugs & prayers for you and Mara. You write so beautifully about the struggle you are going through. I'm not sure there are many who could do what you are doing, but I so admire you guys! What is your due date? And are you teaching, and do your kids at school know what is going on? That will be hard to deal with as well! But I know you will deal with it beautifully, and know that God's arms are around all of you! Love ya! Darcy

  2. Thank you for your open heart. You are definitely doing the right thing. No life is unworthy of being loved, no matter how short. Did your mom mention the book we gave her?

  3. Tiffany,you are an amazing testimony to life and love. May you feel God's peace surrounding you. I am so proud of you and Kevin for standing strong in your beliefs and faith.

  4. I shared your story at my Pastor's Wives Retreat, and you have a whole group of women praying for all of you.

  5. Held by Natalie Grant. Heard it on the radio the other day and God used this song to prompt my heart to pray for you. - Erin Shaffer

  6. I was diagnosed with poor ovarian reserve and very bad prognosis of having a baby with my own eggs. I was even given the option to consider donor eggs. That was around july 2014. I was absolutely devastated with the news and I arranged an IVF for November 2014 and it failed also, given that I had nothing to lose, I contacted ( ) i meet online and he send me his herbal product,. Believe it or not... I am already pregnant within few after his help. contact him today with any kind of problem and be happy like me on: OR call +2348104102662
